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Because beauty is in the hair

Santiago Fernandez
Mobile Hair Stylist

Santiago is a fully qualified hairstylist, originally from Spain but moved to London in 1997 and had remain in the city ever since. After all this time, Santiago gained years of experience in haircare, specialising in Great Lengths Hair Extensions.  After training at an exclusive salon  in London, Santiago was promoted as head extensionist and spent many years catering to their elite customers.

In 2006 he started his own company, with a strong clientele, ranging from celebrities to working with theatre productions. His work has been featured in various editorials to Television/Film Screenings and spends  a lot of time travelling around the world working with clients.

He’s got a passion for his work and creativity, vision, precision and perfection are the perfect words to describe him.



These days more and more people prefer to have their extensions done at their own houses and there are many reasons why. A lot of clients are choosing hair extensions because they don't have very good quality hair and don't want anyone to know their secret to beautiful hair.  Others have a busy schedule and don't have the time to go to the salon, or simply because they just like the privacy and relaxed atmosphere of their own house. Santiago's  job is to make your hair look amazing and his service is top quality no matter where you are.

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